Stanford University Official Courses
- CME 105 – Introduction to Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms, Instructor
- Summer quarter 2008
- Created a new undergraduate course at Stanford University
- Selected all lectures’ materials, designed homeworks and exams
- Held regular office hours
- Was provided a grader for part of the assignments
Summer math refresher courses (for incoming graduate students)
- Summer 2008, co-Instructor and co-Designer
- Course attended by iCME and MS&E graduate students
- Intensive 4 days, 7 hours a day course on linear algebra, real analysis, ODEs, mathematical modeling, mathematical logic and proofs; and Matlab
- Responsible for the ODEs, mathematical modeling, mathematical logic and proof parts of the course (9 hours)
- Lead to the creation of CME001
- Summer 2007, co-Instructor and co-Designer
- Course developed under ICME faculty supervision
- Intensive 4 days, 4 to 6 hours a day course on linear algebra and ODEs
- Responsible for the Ordinary Differential Equations part of the course (6 hours)
- Summer 2006, Instructor and Designer
- Intensive 4 days, 6 hours a day linear algebra course
- 3 hours theoretical lecture and 3 hours tutorial session per day
- Selected course contents under ICME faculty supervision
Course Assistantships
- MS&E 246 – Game Theory with Engineering Applications (Head Course Assistant)
- Graduate level course
- Prepared and held three problem solving sessions
- CS 161 – Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Undergraduate level course
- CME 102 – Ordinary Differential Equations for Engineers
- Gave a 75 minutes lecture on the variation of parameters method for second order ODEs
- Gave a 75 minutes lecture on the Laplace transform and its properties
- CME 308 – Stochastic Methods in Engineering
- Core course for ICME Ph.D. and Master students
- Gave a 75 minutes lecture on basic probability theory
- CME 305 – Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms
- Core course for ICME Ph.D. and Master students
- Gave a 60 minutes lecture on combinatorial auctions
- Gave a 75 minutes lecture on matchings in graphs as well as algorithms for maximum matching in bipartite graphs
- CME 200 – Linear Algebra with Applications to Engineering Computations
- Graduate level course
- Gave a 75 minutes lecture on mathematical logic and proof techniques