
Summer 2009: Student co-organizer of the 10th ACM conference on Electronic Commerce (EC’09)

2006-2009: Reviewer – (journals) Games and Economic Behavior, Algorithmica; (conferences) SODA, WWW, EC, and WINE

2005-2006: President of the SIAM Stanford Student Chapter

2005-2007: Consultant for Computational Consulting at ICME
Participated in the World Digital Library project at the Library of Congress

2008-2009: Traditional Shotokan Karate student at JKA of San Francisco
Currently 2nd Kyu – second brown belt level

1998-2001: Member of the Ecole Supérieure d’Electricité team-handball main squad

2000-2001: Member of the Ecole Supérieure d’Electricité basketball reserve team

1981-1992: Traditional Okinawan Karate student at Okayama Karate-Do (formerly “Okinawa Karate-Do”) in Mexico city
Reached 1st Kyu – brown belt, level prior to Shodan (first degree black belt)